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Which Pet is Best for You?

Most of us would love to have a little companion in our lives, but adopting a pet is like adopting a child and must be taken seriously. Different pets require different living conditions and can help people in various ways. So, if you’re looking to adopt an animal, this basic list will help you get started!

Please note that this is a very generalized list. If you are considering adopting an animal, consider this an "umbrella list.” Once you decide on your animal, it is extremely important to consider the needs of different breeds and/or species.


Cats are independent hunters with a knack for curiosity—which can make for a funny video when their schemes backfire. These felines have a lot of personality and a reentertaining to watch. Some people claim that they are cat people until they realize that they’re not like their popular canine counterparts.

Cats Need to Own Their Space

As every animal does, cats have their own unique environmental needs.

If you’re looking for excellent cat advice, cat behavioralist Jackson Galaxy is the guy. Jackson had his own show on Animal planet called “My Cat from Hell,” which you can check out here. Although the show ended in 2018, Galaxy continues to help cats and cat owners on his YouTube and TikTok accounts.

One of the most important lessons Jackson Galaxy teaches is about making your cat feel safe and confident in their space. Galaxy calls the process of turning your house into a cat friendly home “Catification” and even co-wrote a New York Times Bestselling book on it with a 5-star rating.

Galaxy’s book, Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!), discusses the various ways an owner can help their cat feel more like a cat rather than an unwelcome guest in their own home.

If you’re comfortable with “Catifying” your home, then a cat could be the pet for you!

Another part of ensuring your car’s comfort at home is to consider who they’ll be living with. Every cat has a different tolerance level, so before you finalize the adoption process, be mindful and find answers to these questions: Is this cat going to be comfortable around my children? Will this cat get along with my other pet(s)? Make sure you adopt a cat with a personality best suited for sharing the same space as others living in your home.

Ways a Cat Can Help You


Cats purr not only when they feel content, but they also purr to heal and self-soothe. According to El Gato Veterinary Hospital, the vibrational frequencies caused by a cat’s purr can help heal injuries, reduce inflammation, and soothe stress—not only in cats, but in humans. If you can’t afford therapy or a quick visit to the doctor, a happy and cuddly cat could be your remedy.

Sleeping in the Same Bed

I know what you’re thinking: “how can simply sleeping next to a cat improve my life? Believe it or not, it can. According to, cat owners specifically wake fewer times throughout the night, therefore, have reduced feelings of fatigue during the day. Good sleep is essential to a healthy mind, so if you’re someone who has trouble sleeping, think about adopting a little fella like this!


Cats need a consistent daily routine—and so do you! No matter how you feel, you have to get up to feed and take care of your cat. claims that caring for your cat serves as a reminder and a reason to take care of yourself. Let your feline friend motivate you to seize every day!

Another Reminder: Cats are NOT Dogs

Although cats and dogs both have boundaries, a well-known concept is that cats teach consent. Since cats are generally more independent than dogs, they do not exist for you to order to “sit,” “come here,” “lie down,” etc. Cats have some strong boundaries that even humans could learn from. If you like your alone time and can respect when a cat decides to get out of your lap, walks away, or displays uncomfortable body language, then you two could make the best of friends. Respect is a two-way street!

For more information on domestic cats, check out Jaxon Galaxy or The Humane Society


If you’re one of the 48 million Americans who own a dog, then you’ve probably recommended dogs to countless people. But believe it or not, dogs aren’t for everyone. With a playful and friendly personality, these domesticated canines need a family that matches their energy. Are you on par with it?

Dogs Live for physical Activity

Sure, cats also need physical activity, but dogs are on a whole new level of active.

According to The Dog Clinic, most dogs need anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours of exercise per day (specific times depend on breed).

Some exercises and playtime include taking your dog on a walk or hike, playing a mean game of tug-of-war, and the classic game of fetch.

Potty Training Terrors

After watching a few videos on TikTok, I felt that ayce.and.aria's video summarized puppy-potty training the best. Their video provides a short and sweet explanation of how they potty trained their puppy, Aria. Clearly, it takes a lot of work and preciseness to housebreak a pup. If you want to raise a puppy and have a gracious amount of patience and energy, then this furry friend would be happy to live with you!

How a Dog Can Help You

The American Kennel Club lists five different ways dogs can make a human's life a bit brighter. Here are three!

Heart Health

  • Petting or speaking to a dog can lower your blood pressure.

  • Heart attack survivors are eight times more likely to live another year if they own a pet- according to the American Journal of Cardiology (link found on American Kennel Club)

If you or anyone in your family suffers with heart issues, then adopting a canine companion could mitigate these conditions.


Just by owning a dog, you attract other people. Some of the easiest conversation starters involve a dog— “oh, what’s their name? How old are they? Are they purebred or mixed?”

If talking to humans isn't your speed, dogs make great companions around the house and even on the road! They are also great for people who are disabled, homeschooled, or may not have the time or resources to go out with others regularly.

Preventing Allergies

According to a study done by the Department of Pediatrics, a newborn growing up around a dog decreases their risk of developing allergies like dermatitis by about 15%. Dogs are like fluffy, friendly vaccines!

For more information on domestic dogs, please visit this link.


Snakes are fascinating and mesmerizing creatures, but there is a limit of species suitable for pets—the Ball Python and Corn Snake being two of the most popular. Approximately 800,000 Americans own a snake, according to The American Pet Products Association (APPA).

Low Maintenance with a Catch

In his YouTube video about reptiles for beginners, Professional biologist Clint Laidlaw explains that corn snakes (one of the top best reptile pets in his opinion) are low maintenance when it comes to daily care. Clint says that you only need to feed them once a week and simply make sure their tank is clean and that they have a full bowl of water.

As for the Ball Python, Laidlaw describes them as docile- a snake that would "hang out with you while you watch a movie."

A relieving fact for people who hate vacuuming all the time: instead of dealing with fur from dogs or cats all around the house, snakes simply shed their skin, which is much easier to clean up!

Wondering what the catch is? Well, snakes live off of rodents, so you'd have to catch these rodents weekly. And sometimes snakes are picky eaters, so you may end up with wasted food. But if you have the patience and can stomach it, the snake may be your perfect pet!

Snake and Human Bonds

According to, it is possible for a snake to grow attached to a human, but it can take a lot of time to get there. Although snakes cannot feel affection for their owner, they can definitely recognize the hand that feeds and handles them, which creates a different (nevertheless positive) bond than what dogs or cats tend to share with their owners. If you're ok with knowing that your pet doesn't necessarily have the same emotions as mammals, then the snake could be your scale-mate!

For more information on snakes or reptiles, visit


Avian enthusiasts, gather 'round! Parrots are some of the most popular pets in the United States, and it's no surprise. Parrots come in various different colors and species. They look like the life of the party! But is this pet right for you?

Intelligence and Emotional Attention

The African Grey Parrot is one of many species adored by humans. With a lifespan of up to half a century, this parrot could be your lifelong friend! According to, the African Grey is a very intelligent and sensitive bird with a strong ability to mimic humans. Becsuse of this, they are able to form deep bonds with their owners.

Since they possess the mental capacity similar to that of a small child, it is essential they have consistent mental stimulation to keep them engaged. If you need a feathered friend to crack jokes with and teach cool words to, then a parrot could be your new roommate!

The Noise

On, The African Grey parrot is described as moderate in the "loudness" category, but loud is subjective. Whether you can handle the noise or not depends on your tolerance for it. If you can being around young children, then you can probably handle this parrot of any other mimicking bird

For more information on some of the best parrot species to own, visit this link.


Hamsters are notorious for being simply adorable! Anything with a tiny nose and whiskers is sure to steal your heart!

Hamsters and Children

Despite their small size, hamsters require a special level of care. The Humane Society claims that these rodents are easily scared by loud noises and sudden motion, so if you're someone with young children, this may not be a good fit for you, unless you supervise the child when they're handling the hamster.

The Humane Society also states that hamsters can carry salmonella, which children under five are especially vulnerable to.

Interaction & Lifespan

The Humane society explains that hamsters are typically independent and can entertain themselves with toys for long periods of time, but they still need daily care and a thoroughly cleaned cage.

A hamster's lifespan is fairly short (about three years), so if you can't fit a long-term commitment pet into your life, then buying a hamster may be a good idea!

For more information on hamsters, visit this page.

That's all for now! Thanks for stopping by, and make sure you DO YOUR RESEARCH before adopting any pet.


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