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  • Writer's pictureSnow Flake Stories


Title: The Lake

I wrote this for a fiction class in 2021. The challenge was to write about a location without using specific words.


The teal-green water rests in its body. No boats make an appearance today to move the surface. The milky cotton covers the effulgent fireball in the sky, providing an Autumn breeze to any visitor with a beating heart. September knows no swelter this


A small doe trots to the loch's edge; just close enough to see its reflection. It douses its tiny pink muscle into the thirst-quenching liquid. The water streams into its body with intention to nourish like a mother. Sandhill Cranes with copper feathers glide in the upper troposphere, content with the scene below. They watch as the refreshed and agile doe saunters away.

On the terra firma, no dreck from any human remains. The log that the squirrels call home holds itself to the Earth, just as lovers hold to each other. The changing season paints the house's hair a bright vermillion. Fragile red and orange leaves allow the wind to pluck them from the scalp and guide them through the air. They sway back and forth until they reach their destination on the V-shaped tips of the green that origins from the soil.  A black ant ceases its trail when it spots the fallen leaf. With the help of its comrades, it lifts the frond and carries it back to its mini habitat.

A woman with long Sepia hair holds her small daughter's hand while her brunette husband walks behind them holding a woven basket. The girls gracefully sit on the ground as the man to opens the basket, revealing triangular cut wheat bread containing peanut butter and apricot jelly, and strawberries for a side.

A grey rabbit hops in the field in search of its favorite four-leafed flora snack. The girl spots the rabbit and calls it; her hand held out. The leveret flits toward her with incertitude. She gets an idea and picks one of the cerise berries off her plate and holds it out for the small creature. The bunny hops without any hesitation and nibbles on the fruit out of the human's hand. The girl laughs lightheartedly and holds the animal in her arms. Her parents pet the rabbit's silk-like, soot colored fur.

When the sun lays below the horizon for rest, the family bids their farewell to the water and the terrain, all three holding hands and speaking highly of the evening's events. They stop at their horse-drawn wagon, indulging themselves in one last glance at the lake.


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