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  • Writer's pictureSnow Flake Stories

The PROS and CONS of Living Alone as a Young Adult (My Experience)

A young person's living situation will differ depending on where they live, whether they're in school, have children, get support from their parents, etc. As a 23 (almost 24) year-old woman who's lived with and without a roommate in the state of Arkansas (United States), I feel inclined to share the pros and cons of living alone!


I'll start with the cons because I don't want to leave on a bad note. Let's just get the "hard truth" part over with!

•You will probably be broke

If you attend school and only work one job, you'll need to accept the fact that you'll mostly have little to no money to spend on things you WANT. Tattoos, hair dye, pets, traveling, etc. may be out of the question for quite a while, which sucks! College expenses are insane, and a lot of regular FULL TIME barely pay you enough to survive. As someone who was working part time and going to college full time, I was fortunate enough to get help from a parent with bills and groceries.

It gets lonely

Sometimes, it's too quiet in my apartment, and I wish there was someone I could laugh at a YouTube video with or go with on an impulse ice cream run at 10:00pm. If you're planning to live alone, keep in mind that the silence in the middle of the night can be overwhelming.

•Extra Work

Since I recently graduated and have to deal with the dreaded student loans, I'm trying to find a second job. If you want to live alone and have finished school or are not in school, then working two jobs until you build your skillset is probably the best course of action.


As they say, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel! Here are some AWESOME benefits from living ✨all by yourself✨!

You call the shots

Control is the main reason I chose to live alone a year after living with a roommate. I am a very structured person, and I like to control my surroundings. In my apartment, I control what I hang on my walls, what goes where, and the level of cleanliness. No compromises needed!

•Alone time

Being alone doesn't always mean you're lonely. For me, coming home to peace and quiet after a long day feels the BEST. Overstimulation is real, and a lot of us need to recharge.

•You only have yourself

Bad things happen, and sadly,. you can't always depend on others to help or support you- even if they are a family memeber or best friend. As Taylor Swift puts it: "You're on your own, kid. You always have been."

You can look at this as a scary fact, but I find it reassuring. When you live by yourself, you learn to become more independent, which includes not relying on other people to make you happy or make you feel whole. Self reliance is one of the most important things I've learned (and am still working on) in the past couple of years (which I'll talk about in another article). You are the only one who can control your actions, and the more you master this art, the more confident and secure you'll become.


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