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  • Writer's pictureSnow Flake Stories

My Journey With TAYLOR SWIFT

Updated: Feb 24

Taylor Swift

Favorite Album: Speak Now

Favorite Song: "My Tears Ricochet"

I've been a fan of Taylor since I first heard her classic country bop, "Our Song," on the radio in 2006 while riding in my mom's car. I remember asking my mom, "who is this?" Because I was just SO into the melody. My mom answered, "oh, it's just some teenager." Little did I know, that teenager would play a huge role in my life when I needed music the most.

Shortly after I heard Taylor's stand-out melody, I tried singing, and to my surprise, I found out, "hey, I can actually sing well!" This newfound knowledge (and getting Taylor Swift's Fearless album for Christmas in 2008) led me to start writing my own songs about imaginary romances and breakups...which were god awful. But hey, at least I was passionate about it! My only successful endeavors regarding music would end up being Advanced Women's Choir, Show Choir, and All-Region Choir in high school- and a few talent shows and fundraising performances).

Taylor's music got me through one of the loneliest times of my life. In fifth grade, I had moved to a new school, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I had ZERO real friends. During recess, I'd often play alone and sing through the entirety of Taylor Swift's discography, which had only been her debut, Fearless, and (newly) Speak Now.

Speak Now holds a special place in my heart. When Taylor released this album, not only was I struggling to make friends in school, but I was also healing from a major surgical procedure. When I was in pain, my mom would switch on my disk player and slide the Speak Now CD in. I had listened to that album so many times, so no longer than a month later, I could sing all 14 songs to my parents without needing to look at the lyrics.

You'd think at 23, I wouldn't remember much from when I was 10-11 years old, but that year was a turning point in my childhood. While everything was changing, Taylor Swift's storytelling remained.

Me (on the left) and family friends at the Speak Now World Tour in St. Louis, Missouri

I've been DYING to have a few friends over for some pizza and wine the next time Taylor Swift releases an earth-shattering album (whether it's TS11, Rep TV, or Debut TV). If you love Taylor's music like I do, feel free to hit me up, and we can have the longest discussion in the world about her albums and songs!

Favorite TS Album?

  • 0%Debut

  • 0%Fearless

  • 0%Speak Now

  • 0%Red


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